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Strength training and Muscle building / Re: Content wish list
Last post by Llama -
Ok, I thought that is where you start if you only know how to do weight lifting where you lift your own weight.  I am really freaked out by the idea of weight lifting.  I probably should stick to yoga!
Ah, training with your own bodyweight would be calisthenics. Isometric training is when you load a muscle without lengthening or shortening it. Like stand next to a wall and push against it without otherwise moving. Most things we call yoga use calisthenics.  Nothing wrong with that but generally more difficult than weight lifting gym style, with machines that guide your movement to an extent. Free weights and calisthenics are equally challenging from a coordination standpoint,  if you ask me.
Strength training and Muscle building / Re: Content wish list
Last post by Marsia -
Ok, I thought that is where you start if you only know how to do weight lifting where you lift your own weight.  I am really freaked out by the idea of weight lifting.  I probably should stick to yoga!
Strength training and Muscle building / Re: Content wish list
Last post by Llama -
Isometrics and their benefits, and especially good form.  I am reticent to do weight lifting because I am worried I won't remember to do the movements correctly and could cause more harm than good. 
Isometrics can be helpful when you're just starting to learn what the contraction of a certain neglected muscle group feels like, when rehabbing a structure that isn't stable enough to deal with changing loads yet, or when you're on a plane, you neeeeed to activate your muscles, and you really don't have space to move. Other than that I can't think of a situation where isometric contractions come anywhere near the benefits of full range of motion. I'd be happy to be shown differently though.
Strength training and Muscle building / Re: Content wish list
Last post by Marsia -
Isometrics and their benefits, and especially good form.  I am reticent to do weight lifting because I am worried I won't remember to do the movements correctly and could cause more harm than good. 
General Discussion / Re: Welcome Members of the Forum
Last post by Trusylver -
While 20 posts is the set point for the probationary member period to end, it is a manual process to change a member from probationary to regular members. This is to prevent people posting 20 times without meaningfully interacting with other members posts just to unlock other areas of the forum.

20 me too posts without adding to the conversation is as spammy as someone posting an advert 20 times.

As per the post in the forum setting thread

Simply posting as many low quality posts with the sole purpose of increasing post count as fast as possible will not automatically move a member out of the probation period.
Nutrition / Re: Ways to stop binging
Last post by ♡°♡IHaveACupcake♡°♡ -
Depends on why you binge, I guess? What goes through your head just before or while you start a binge?

Food!!! Is my thought. I get scared to be hungry and I have intense cravings that I find it hard to say no. I can binge is I'm happy or sad. I think I just need to power through it.
Sounds like maybe "Food!" is the answer your brain is screaming, not the question that's hiding behind it? Do you binge on healthy food or on cupcakes? If the former is just as likely as the latter this might really be all about your brain being scared to starve. If it's almost always the latter it may not be.
If I only had veg, salad, low calorie proteins and fruit nearby for snacking it would be a lot easier to avoid binging.
And if you did binge on them you'd consume fewer calories per binge, which is a win in itself.

I binge on cookies mostly or chocolate.  I definitely have a sugar addiction. I'm trying to increase my calories a bit to hopefully stop the binging
Nutrition / Re: Ways to stop binging
Last post by ♡°♡IHaveACupcake♡°♡ -
Depends on why you binge, I guess? What goes through your head just before or while you start a binge?

Food!!! Is my thought. I get scared to be hungry and I have intense cravings that I find it hard to say no. I can binge is I'm happy or sad. I think I just need to power through it.

Hi, I am a binger too.  I know what you mean about feeling afraid to feel hunger.  The truth is I almost never let myself get to that point. I feel also insecure when there is not a little stash somewhere that I can get to "just in case".

I binged last night.  The triggers were:  being overly tired, being a bit agitated, and having pizza/snacky leftovers in close proximity.  I think removing the proximity of tempting food is probably good because it gives one time to think before reacting.  If I only had veg, salad, low calorie proteins and fruit nearby for snacking it would be a lot easier to avoid binging.

Oh, and staying busy/interested in a project really helps too.

Sorry u binged, it sucks. I'm trying to increase my calories a bit so I hopefully won't get to that point either.