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General Discussion / Re: New Icons
Last post by Trusylver -
Did you change the colours, Tru? I looked earlier & found the colour intense but just had another look & it's fine. I don't think there are any add-ons that give us more options with smileys- not that I could see anyway. I don't really mind though, but I do have to be careful not to type in : grouphug : (but without the spaces). I had got used to typing in my emojis rather than waiting for them to load in the old forum. I don't mind this being basic at all. I don't do fancy. You have plenty on your plate as it is.

I will see abut adding group hug to the emojis
Strength training and Muscle building / Re: Periodisation
Last post by Llama -
Interesting. Curious to learn whether there's an actual difference between strength and hypertrophy regarding periodization or if strength training research is just further along. Time will tell, I guess.
Weight Loss / Re: 190's club
Last post by Llama -
I can't be bothered to convert my weight on a regular basis but technically I'm at 194.7 lbs so this would be my club if I did...
General Discussion / Re: New Icons
Last post by Cate -
Did you change the colours, Tru? I looked earlier & found the colour intense but just had another look & it's fine. I don't think there are any add-ons that give us more options with smileys- not that I could see anyway. I don't really mind though, but I do have to be careful not to type in : grouphug : (but without the spaces). I had got used to typing in my emojis rather than waiting for them to load in the old forum. I don't mind this being basic at all. I don't do fancy. You have plenty on your plate as it is.
General Discussion / New Icons
Last post by Trusylver -
I am slowly personalising the forum away from the "out of the box" look, I am working on the ember Icons at the moments
General Discussion / Re: Forum Settings
Last post by Trusylver -
While 20 posts is the set point for the probationary member period to end, it is a manual process to change a member from probationary to regular members. This is to prevent people posting 20 times without meaningfully interacting with other members posts just to unlock other areas of the forum.

20 me to posts is as spammy as someone posting an advert 20 times.
Nutrition / Nutrition plans and personal trainers
Last post by Trusylver -

I would like to post up a reminder that it is outside the scope of practice for personal trainer as well as sport and fitness coaches to provide meal plans as part of the training they offer. They can offer general nutrition advice within the national nutrition guidelines for their country.

The only people who can write meal plans are registered dieticians. Not nutritionists. Nutritionists is a term anybody can call themselves with no qualifications or weekend certificate. Buyer beware.
Strength training and Muscle building / Periodisation
Last post by Trusylver -

For those looking to build strength, science has shown consistently  in a range of studies, periodisation for strength training out performs the gains from a non periodised strength training program.  There is still debate as to which style of periodisation works best  depending on a heap of different factors, but they all work better than not periodising.

The same cannot be said for those looking to train for hypertrophy, where the science is roughly a 50/50 split between periodised/non periodised training.

If there is an interest in a template for writing an annual plan let me know and I will upload an excel file.