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Nutrition / Re: Why should I eat healthy?
Last post by ♡°♡IHaveACupcake♡°♡ -
I am also scared of starvation. It's my biggest reason I think to my binging. As soon as I feel hunger, I freak and eat
If you've had times of food insecurity or prolonged calorie restriction it might make sense for your body to freak out about feeling hungry. If that is the case a longer period of being in calorie balance (including however much exercise you get) or even a slight surplus could possibly help.

Nutrition / Re: Ways to stop binging
Last post by Llama -
Depends on why you binge, I guess? What goes through your head just before or while you start a binge?
Nutrition / Re: Why should I eat healthy?
Last post by Llama -
I am also scared of starvation. It's my biggest reason I think to my binging. As soon as I feel hunger, I freak and eat
If you've had times of food insecurity or prolonged calorie restriction it might make sense for your body to freak out about feeling hungry. If that is the case a longer period of being in calorie balance (including however much exercise you get) or even a slight surplus could possibly help.
Nutrition / Ways to stop binging
Last post by ♡°♡IHaveACupcake♡°♡ -
Any tips to stop binging? I lost 30 pounds then put 10 back on through binging. Right now I am not concentrating on losing weight. I'm concentrating on maintaining 140. I'm concentrating on fueling my body properly with limited treats so I don't gain anymore.

I am adding in exercise to hopefully boost my tdee and maybe lose a little without really dieting.