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Topic: Technical issues (Read 146 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Technical issues

Reply #15
Thanks for setting this up Tru, no small task I am sure.
How long would members like to be able to edit posts ?
I'd prefer no time limit, or as long as you can give us.

I am just feeling things out, so far the only problems I have noticed are the format I see, sometimes just lines not what it is supposed to be, and I have not figure out how to like messages.  The format looks fine today, so maybe that one is fixed.  I am sure it will get easier as I get used to it.  Will post any ideas or suggestions that occur to me, but so far it looks pretty good!

Re: Technical issues

Reply #16
I am just feeling things out, so far the only problems I have noticed are the format I see, sometimes just lines not what it is supposed to be, and I have not figure out how to like messages.
Liking doesn't become available until you've made/replied to... I think it's 20 posts. You'll be there before you know it :)

Re: Technical issues

Reply #17
I am not sure why the text only version shows up sometimes, I tweaked the cache settings to try and speed things up and reduce it happening, At this point I am not sure why it happens sometimes but I will do more if/when I figure out why.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #18
The text only view only happens occasionally with me now :)

Re: Technical issues

Reply #19
At least I know the text view works correctly, which is important for meeting accessibility standards.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #20
Still having trouble with the lines appearing rather than the way it is supposed to look.  Am I doing something wrong?  Or is there some way I can fix this? 

Got a screen shot of what I see, but can't figure out how to post it.  Well, maybe I did...

Re: Technical issues

Reply #21
Thanks rob, I am pulling my hair out trying to work it out, I am not getting anything in the error logs. on my own browser it happens occasionally but when I switch browsers it is ok. It also comes good if I refresh a few minute later.

I am not sure I am techy enough to find what is causing the intermittent fault. I tried changing the way the cache works but has not seemed to fix it, I will keep trying things but it may take some time to find the solution.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #22
Just a thing I have noticed & it may not be the same for everyone. My messages take quite a while to send & I have to be patient so if you are sending a private message just press send or post & hold back a while to give it time. It will say when it is sent.
Also, if you tap on the home button it offers
Recent posts
If you tap on the home button again it will then show you all of the headings, topics etc

Re: Technical issues

Reply #23
Still having trouble with the lines appearing rather than the way it is supposed to look.  Am I doing something wrong?  Or is there some way I can fix this?   I have had this issue as well Rob.

Got a screen shot of what I see, but can't figure out how to post it.  Well, maybe I did...

I have had this issue as well. Thank you for the screenshot that was helpful! Tru we are so happy to have this forum...we will figure it all out!

Re: Technical issues

Reply #24
Thanks rob, I am pulling my hair out trying to work it out, I am not getting anything in the error logs. on my own browser it happens occasionally but when I switch browsers it is ok. It also comes good if I refresh a few minute later.

I am not sure I am techy enough to find what is causing the intermittent fault. I tried changing the way the cache works but has not seemed to fix it, I will keep trying things but it may take some time to find the solution.
Hey Tru, I really appreciate what you are doing.  No criticism meant, you're doing great!  And you certainly are more "techy" than I am.

I think the problem is getting less for me.  I sometimes have the problem on other websites, that's why I wondered if it was something I'm doing.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #25
As an experiment I have been switching from Chrome to Edge to Firefox when I get the plain text view & when I have it anywhere I have it everywhere. I just did it again as I had text only on Chrome & the same on Edge but on Firefox it was normal so I looked again at the other two & they had switched back as well. So now I can see the forum as it should be on all 3 platforms.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #26
@Trusylver -I am so grateful for this forum & can't thank you enough! I am going to spend some time working out why I get text view rather than html but it's about 50/50 these days. I just go away & come back & often it's switched. Today it has been much better.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #27
Marsia is going to have a "goof around" sometime & see if she can work out why it's happening. I found this site that might help.
If I get to the computer service place this week I'll ask them to look at it for me. Usually when I log onto my computer I see text only but it rights itself within an hour.
The New Posts tab doesn't work for me no matter what view I'm in & I usually use the diaries bookmark I have saved to view diaries & then the little green "new" is visible & I go to them that way. I don't know if this happens to anyone else.

Re: Technical issues

Reply #28
Thanks for all this!


Re: Technical issues

Reply #29
The New Posts tab doesn't work for me no matter what view I'm in & I usually use the diaries bookmark I have saved to view diaries & then the little green "new" is visible & I go to them that way. I don't know if this happens to anyone else.
This works for me now :)