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Topic: Forum rules discussion (Read 29 times) previous topic - next topic

Forum rules discussion

I have not put a lot of thought into setting down a concrete set of forum rules, I believe that the founding members should have a sizable input in setting up the rules that govern our community before we begin to attract new members.

As you know I have the forum set so that you cannot see the diaries unless logged in to provide a little more privacy and to prevent anything posted there ending up in a google search at a later date.

I have also set a membership group called "probationary member" who will also not be able to see diaries until they have contributed to other areas of the forum (20 posts/comments) and shown themselves to be good forum citizen who follow the yet to be decided rules.

The old forum was against linking out to other content because they had their own pages which produced advertising revenue, that is not a consideration here. As Admin I am ok with links, yet at the same time linking to some sites that promote unhealthy habits should possible be restricted ?

Post your rules suggestions here and we can work through the options together.

Re: Forum rules discussion

Reply #1
I love that you have to be logged on to see diaries.
I love that you have a probationary membership category.
I'll have a really good think about any rules I think we should have.
Linking to sites that promote unhealthy habits should not be allowed in my opinion. That would include any anorexic promoting sites & steroid & other supplement promotion. I don't think this is the place for these things.
No links in signatures.
Most of the things we had in the old forum in the thread "Identification and reporting of spam" were good.
I'll keep thinking about this.

I love the forum as it is but I guess that's not possible to keep it for ourselves. I wish!

Re: Forum rules discussion

Reply #2
Link posting for "proven" members only is useful, same as it was on the other side. And, as Cate said, no links in signature (and/or profile?). I honestly don't know that we'll attract a lot of people (other than spammers): internet forums aren't that common anymore in general and as long as the diaries aren't immediately visible the place probably isn't going to look particularly lively. I really don't know though: I guess we're going to be making things up as we go along mostly.

Re: Forum rules discussion

Reply #3
I understand that forums are not that popular compared to other social media, but I am aware they are making a bit of a comeback and need to have some preparation in place, and a pathway to join the community, without the occasional new members forums have a limited lifespan.


Re: Forum rules discussion

Reply #4
That's very true, of course. Being prepared is a good thing.