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Topic: Weight Loss Goals  (Read 310 times) previous topic - next topic

Weight Loss Goals

What are your weight loss goals ?

Why have you chosen that particular goal ?

What do you believe is holding you back ?

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #1
Hello. I can't see where to go to get to the diaries. To answer the question and stay 'on topic', I would say get my body fat to 30% because I feel like I would be in good shape then. What's holding me back are other distractions, which are derailing. That is not the only thing in the life and I would have to give up a lot to get there (quickly).

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #2
Me neither.  Cate says that you go to the Motivation heading, which I also can't find.  I asked her where that is on FB, so will wait until she gets back to me.  I'm so happy you are here!!! :)

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #4
In case anyone is still unclear on the navigation: I can only see the diaries when I'm logged it, which is awesome.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #5
You definitely have to be logged in to see the diaries.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #6

What are your weight loss goals ?

To get back to 82 kg slowly, but surely, without losing muscle.
Why have you chosen that particular goal?

That is where I felt the happiest with my weight. I have been thin & thin does not suit me at all. I have always weighed a lot more than anyone thinks I look.
What do you believe is holding you back?

My age, my low metabolism & a feeling that the older I get, the harder it gets unless I get obsessed with it. I don't want to go down that path again.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #7

What are your weight loss goals ?

To loose the belly fat that is unhealthy and replace it with strong stomach muscles which will protect my lower back from going out.  I also want to learn to eat when I am hungry and not eat for entertainment unless it's a special occasion.  Mostly I want my energy back that I get when I am leaner and eating and exercising well.  As far as numbers, that's probably around 170 or so. 
Why have you chosen that particular goal ?
Because I would like to be more energetic and loved how I felt at around 170.  I felt lighter, more nimble, and more in touch with my body.  I'd also like to fit in more of my clothes.
What do you believe is holding you back ?
Snacking, eating for comfort, eating too late in the day (this really makes me gain fast), lots of stressful stuff happening in my life. 

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #8
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #9
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.
130 lbs would put you at a BMI of 19.2, which is extremely low for a dude of 48. May I ask ehy you chose that number? You already know my opinion about 800 kcal/day so I'll shut up about that part XD Good to see you found your way to the new place though!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #10
My current goal is 75 kg/165 lbs. Chosen because it's the lowest weight I know I can reach and maintain without too much of a headache. What's holding me back is 100% binging. The reasons for my binging are complex and manyfold but I'm working on them.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #11
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.
Hi!  Are you from the forum?  It's nice to see you here, and I hope you keep posting!  800 calories seems really hard over more than a couple of weeks.  I tend to gain the weight back if I lose it too fast, but I get how frustrating it is restricting calories and still not losing!  It seems like it would be hard to get everything you need in one day on that few calories.  Do you use My Fitness Pal or anything to track if you are getting enough protein and such? 

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #12
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.
Hi!  Are you from the forum?  It's nice to see you here, and I hope you keep posting!  800 calories seems really hard over more than a couple of weeks.  I tend to gain the weight back if I lose it too fast, but I get how frustrating it is restricting calories and still not losing!  It seems like it would be hard to get everything you need in one day on that few calories.  Do you use My Fitness Pal or anything to track if you are getting enough protein and such? 

im a member at my fitness pal forum. I haven't downloaded the free app yet though. I am from the other forum. other name was size32someday. I also look up calorie information from

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #13
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.
Hi!  Are you from the forum?  It's nice to see you here, and I hope you keep posting!  800 calories seems really hard over more than a couple of weeks.  I tend to gain the weight back if I lose it too fast, but I get how frustrating it is restricting calories and still not losing!  It seems like it would be hard to get everything you need in one day on that few calories.  Do you use My Fitness Pal or anything to track if you are getting enough protein and such? 

im a member at my fitness pal forum. I haven't downloaded the free app yet though. I am from the other forum. other name was size32someday. I also look up calorie information from

I didn't know about nutritionix.  That's so cool there's an app for that now.  Sorry I missed you on the old forum.  I stuck to replying to Cate and Llama mostly on the old forum because I get so busy, so it'll be great to get to know you here!!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #14
Hey Marsia thanks for commenting on my post. I agree with you that its hard to keep up with everyone's diary. sometimes there is so many posts in a diary its hard to follow.  Ive been trying to get out of 197 for a month now so im not sure how exciting it will be when I make one. I know everyone is busy so I will take any responses I can get.