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Topic: Weight Loss Goals  (Read 309 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #15
Hey Marsia thanks for commenting on my post. I agree with you that its hard to keep up with everyone's diary. sometimes there is so many posts in a diary its hard to follow.  Ive been trying to get out of 197 for a month now so im not sure how exciting it will be when I make one. I know everyone is busy so I will take any responses I can get.
I think it's a major accomplishment to get over a weight plateau, so I'd think it's exciting!  There are just so many factors to weight loss, so I know we're all different.  But when I lost the most weight was when I measured out most of my food with a measuring cup.  I bought one just for warming food up with so I could be lazy and weigh and eat out of the same container.  I used My Fitness Pal to track, and lost about 50 pounds in a year and a half or so.  That was fast for me because I am older and my metabolism has slowed down.  I hope you don't get too frustrated with the weight plateau.  I think we all have them!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #16
Weight plateaus suck and I'm glad you came over with us even though you'd only just started your previous diary. Excitement is not the main thing in weightloss!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #17
Will you start a diary soon, @stuckat197 /size32someday/Andrew? I would like to see that & I think you will drop below 197 very soon! If you start using My Fitness Pal let me know & I will too. I'm CateAussie on there. alligatorob usually is too. He has been sent a private message inviting him here & I hope he will soon. I miss him.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #18
Will you start a diary soon, @stuckat197 /size32someday/Andrew? I would like to see that & I think you will drop below 197 very soon! If you start using My Fitness Pal let me know & I will too. I'm CateAussie on there. alligatorob usually is too. He has been sent a private message inviting him here & I hope he will soon. I miss him.

I will start a journal here soon. I hope aligatorob comes back. I feel like it's my fault because I kept commenting on his past achievements that he had accomplished based on his signature. he had lost so much weight at one point I thought it was amazing. I just hope I didn't trigger him in a bad way.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #19
Will you start a diary soon, @stuckat197 /size32someday/Andrew? I would like to see that & I think you will drop below 197 very soon! If you start using My Fitness Pal let me know & I will too. I'm CateAussie on there. alligatorob usually is too. He has been sent a private message inviting him here & I hope he will soon. I miss him.

I will start a journal here soon. I hope aligatorob comes back. I feel like it's my fault because I kept commenting on his past achievements that he had accomplished based on his signature. he had lost so much weight at one point I thought it was amazing. I just hope I didn't trigger him in a bad way.
I don't think you had anything to do with Rob disappearing for a while.  He has done that before and come back.  I have, too!  I'll keep checking the old forum to see when he comes back.  I miss hearing from him, too!!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #20
I will start a journal here soon. I hope aligatorob comes back. I feel like it's my fault because I kept commenting on his past achievements that he had accomplished based on his signature. he had lost so much weight at one point I thought it was amazing. I just hope I didn't trigger him in a bad way.
Don't worry about it: he'll get sometimes upset with himself for binging and leave us until he feels like he can do better again. It sucks - mostly for him but also for us because we have to miss him - but it's not your fault at all.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #21
Thanks for the encouragement. hopefully he will respond to someone or the old forum soon.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #22
I will start a journal here soon. I hope alligator comes back. I feel like it's my fault because I kept commenting on his past achievements that he had accomplished based on his signature. he had lost so much weight at one point I thought it was amazing. I just hope I didn't trigger him in a bad way.
It has happened before when he feels bad about binging. I have emailed him & he has been sent some private messages on the old forum. It is definitely not your fault. If anything you & whispers (Tom) would both be good reasons to come back. We all miss him & I think he'll come over here. It's a new start for all of us.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #23
My goal is to get under 190 initially.  I'm 191 and have been bouncing around in the low 190's.

I will be satisfied to get into the 140's.  Losing the excess pounds and getting a basic level of fitness back will help me have more energy and be more active in my retirement.  Hike, kayak, run, dog rescue, and energy to have FULL days is my goal.

What's holding me back?  Emotional eating, fatigue, not making self care a priority.  Thankfully some of life's challenges have eased up and it's a perfect time to get back on track and stop making excuses!

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #24
Im at 197 and have not been able to get out of it. Im 48 yr male. 5'9. I want to get down to 130 pounds so a long way to go.
I am not too good at guesstimating my calorie intake. I intend to restrict my cal intake to 800 calories. doing 1800 calories has not been helpful. I know having them under 1k calories is not healthy but I need to see the scale moving again at least for a little while.

Hi Stuck!  Well you already know about the calories being too low, putting yourself into starvation mode is going to make it harder to lose weight.  Are you exercising? 

I'll check out nutritionix.  Calorie counting is definitely a useful tool for me and my old site is not longer around.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #25
What are your weight loss goals ?

I think I would like to get into the 160s, about 20 lbs lower than I am now.

Why have you chosen that particular goal ?

No real good reasons, it was my weight in high school where I felt best.  I got down to 143 a few years ago and did not feel good, I felt better when I got back into the 160s, so I'd like to try it again.

What do you believe is holding you back ?

Bingeing... my real goal is to stop that.  Even if I don't make the weight goal I think I'd be happy without bingeing.

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #26

What are your weight loss goals ?

Why have you chosen that particular goal ?

What do you believe is holding you back ?

My goal is to be 200 lbs by Christmas.
 10 lbs is an achievable goal in 4 months. & I have already hit 205, although have slipped backwards 5 lbs. I’m 70, slower metabolism.
I want to put on muscle mass, as well, & I know theses are conflicting challenges. Muscle mass means calorie surplus & loosing weight = calorie deficit.
We’re going to Hawaii Dec 27- Jan 6.
I want to look good with rest of our family !

Re: Weight Loss Goals

Reply #27

What are your weight loss goals ?

Why have you chosen that particular goal ?

What do you believe is holding you back ?

1) to get to 120 pounds healthily
2) it's a good weight for my height and I'll look slim at this weight
3) binging. I've been binging the last couple weeks and I need to get a grip