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Topic: Inserting Images in posts (Read 5901 times) previous topic - next topic

Inserting Images in posts

For images to show up within the post you need to have them located somewhere online first, click on the insert image button and paste the image address in the box, if it needs to be a different size compared to the original then dimensions of the desired size in pixels need to be included. As an example, the above image is taken from a Facebook post, being a large image I chose to have it display smaller for this post.

Images can also be uploaded by dragging and dropping into the the box below the main input box (where you type your message)

in this case a screen shot of clicking in the insert image button.

Re: Inserting Images in posts

Reply #1
Thanks, Tru. I'll have a go tomorrow when I have time to concentrate without R here.


Re: Inserting Images in posts

Reply #2
 image posting.jpg

I have just made a couple of changed to allow uploaded images to be displayed within posts with different size and alignment options this is a right aligned image at full size.