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Topic: Knowledge is power (Read 58162 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #135
@Cate yes temporary but almost a month at the same weight is not exactly temporary. waiting another 2 weeks and I will rename to stuckat173. 

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #136
I know that plateaus are annoying. You did make me laugh with the "stuckat173"

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #137
1/13 - 197

Well the good news is no binge yesterday...  Wish I could say the same about the past couple of months.  Anyway I know if the no binge thing is to continue I need support, and this seems to be the best place for me to get it.  So I am back.

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #138
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196

2 days without bingeing

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #139
@alligatorob glad to see you back. Every day is a new start so keep going! Have you tried protein drinks. not the meal replacement kind but the protein only kind. they are around 130-140 calories and may help you feel fuller for longer. The premixed kind are fast and easy with no preparing powders.

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #140
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193

That surprised me a little, but I always lose a quick few pounds after ending a binge streak.
@alligatorob glad to see you back. Every day is a new start so keep going! Have you tried protein drinks. not the meal replacement kind but the protein only kind. they are around 130-140 calories and may help you feel fuller for longer. The premixed kind are fast and easy with no preparing powders.
Thanks Andrew, good to see you too.  Good that  you are still here.

I do drink protein drinks my trainer at the gym got me started.  I have one before going to the gym most days.  The one I have now is Spylt - Caffeinated Chocolate it has 20 grams of protein and enough caffeine to replace a cup of coffee.

3 days without bingeing

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #141
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193
1/16 - 194

4 days without bingeing, and I suspect my weight is leveling off now

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #142
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193
1/16 - 194
1/17 - 192

5 days without bingeing

Just seeing lines this morning, so will keep posting brief

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #143
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193
1/16 - 194
1/17 - 192

5 days without bingeing

Just seeing lines this morning, so will keep posting brief

keep going Rob you are doing great! Your weight is dropping like a stone

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #144
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193
1/16 - 194
1/17 - 192

5 days without bingeing

Just seeing lines this morning, so will keep posting brief

keep going Rob you are doing great! Your weight is dropping like a stone
Thanks Andrew, but it always does after I stop bingeing, 5 pounds in 5 days is about typical.  I think its a combination of dropping water weight from carb reduction and clearing solids out of the system.  I am sure I am losing a bit of fat, but it can't happen that fast.  Soon I will level out and if I can keep up the better eating and no binges it will more slowly drop...  Like you!


Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #145
I dont want to push you but have you thought about talking to a councilor? It might help. You said you binged on ice and frozen broccoli so it doesn't seem like a normal craving for something sugar or a matter of how hungry or full you are. That's hard to offer advice for. I want to help but I dont know how to in a helpful way.

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #146
1/13 - 197
1/14 - 196
1/15 - 193
1/16 - 194
1/17 - 192
1/18 - 193

Ate too many cookies last night, probably a binge, if not it was close.  However it was less than most of my binges.  Now the trick will be to not do it today, my current goal.

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #147
I dont want to push you but have you thought about talking to a councilor? It might help. You said you binged on ice and frozen broccoli so it doesn't seem like a normal craving for something sugar or a matter of how hungry or full you are. That's hard to offer advice for. I want to help but I dont know how to in a helpful way.
Thanks Andrew.  I have tried counseling, saw the only person I could find who specialized in eating disorders in the area.  He was not very helpful.  Had this thing about seeing the good and bad you on your shoulders or something... did not click with me.  Its been a couple of years so I don't remember the details well.  I did try but it just wasn't helping.  I think most of his clients were younger women with binge and purge problems.

I do have the normal sugar cravings... broccoli and the like are only substitutes to try and binge with low calorie stuff.  Not nearly so satisfying as cookies.

My lack of posting for the past few days is that I am still just seeing lines.  My best excuse anyway...

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #148
140 lbs

Re: Knowledge is power

Reply #149
140 pounds is great Vic. you will be in the 130s soon enough.