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Topic: Why should I eat healthy? (Read 49 times) previous topic - next topic

Why should I eat healthy?

The first, obvious reason is of course to conform to society's idea of beauty be a healthier weight. Being overweight (or underweight, but right now I don't think we have members here who have that issue) puts me at higher risk for a whole slew of health issues. Doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to get a heart attack, diabetes, or dementia, if I'm overweight - or that I'm guaranteed not to get them at a healthy weight - but the risk profile changes a LOT.
That should be enough to motivate me to eat things that help me lose weight, right? If I were a Vulcan, clearly. But I'm not, although I think pointy ears would look great on me. Instead I'm a human with only a thin veneer of reason over a monkey brain that loves pleasure and is terrified of starvation so it wants me to gorge myself on highly palatable foods, sometimes even when I'm already feeling sick. Because pleasure is definitely here, now, and bad health outcomes are maybe somewhere in the future.
So maybe if I make a list of more short-term pros and cons of eating mostly healthy food, regardless of my weight, it'll help me stay on track.
For the record: my idea of healthy food is a varied mix of veggies, fruit, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats. Feel free to argue about that definition elsewhere but I'd appreciate it if we could keep this thread focused solely on the pros of healthy food and the cons of unhealthy food.

Tl;dr: I need short-term reminders if I want to be able to eat better long-term. Please help me make a list.

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #1
Cons of eating chocolate, chips, cookies&co in large amounts:

- I overheat more easily. And it's summer. Not good.
- After a couple of weeks of it they make my tendons hurt.
- Sensitive stomach and gut here so obvious discomfort, sometimes into the next day. I'll spare you the details but one specific one gets its own point:
- Bloat, which looks bad and makes my pants pinch.
- The food coma makes me sleep like a dead person but I'll still feel sluggish the next day. So I won't feel like doing boring sensible things like food prep and the cycle repeats.
- Skin irritation.
- For some reason overeating and not getting my veggies in makes my allergies worse.

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #2
Ok, why should I eat healthy?  If I eat stuff that gives me instant gratification like sugar, I know I am feeding the bad yeasts that give me more sugar cravings, and I want to think of my body like it's a garden that I am caretaker of.  I would like to think of this as an experiment in getting the nutrients in that help the microbiome and that also don't break the bank as far as me eating well.  Here vegetables are horribly expensive, and not very fresh.  I am not doing well with that.  I am eating a lot of frozen food and carbs, and I want to do simple things like growing my own wheatgrass and juicing it.  I am now in a good place as far as packing, and it's time to turn to some simple solutions to better food choices.  I am also giving myself permission to eat a lot of fruit and just eat less in general to make up for the sugar content because I seriously dislike supermarket veggies here.  I want to start recording what I eat that has refined sugar in it and cut way down on that.  I am using sugar as a short cut for finding good tasting food that gives me a nutritional lift.  Instead I get a sugar rush and lethargy.  Not ideal for sure.

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #3
That's a completely different approach and I like it!

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #4
Thanks Llama, this is such a good topic!  You make great points, too, and I keep thinking about this as far as what actually motivates me, and I want to keep thinking about it and adding to your list. 

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #5
Please do: more motivation can't be a bad thing.
Another one I just thought of: unhealthy food, especially in binge-like quantities, makes it hard for me to think straight. I know brain fog isn't a scientific term but the lack of focus is still real.


Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #6
I am also scared of starvation. It's my biggest reason I think to my binging. As soon as I feel hunger, I freak and eat

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #7
I am also scared of starvation. It's my biggest reason I think to my binging. As soon as I feel hunger, I freak and eat
If you've had times of food insecurity or prolonged calorie restriction it might make sense for your body to freak out about feeling hungry. If that is the case a longer period of being in calorie balance (including however much exercise you get) or even a slight surplus could possibly help.

Re: Why should I eat healthy?

Reply #8
I am also scared of starvation. It's my biggest reason I think to my binging. As soon as I feel hunger, I freak and eat
If you've had times of food insecurity or prolonged calorie restriction it might make sense for your body to freak out about feeling hungry. If that is the case a longer period of being in calorie balance (including however much exercise you get) or even a slight surplus could possibly help.
